Gallery post format
Aenean convallis aliquet lacus vitae tempus. Suspendisse accumsan nisl sit amet justo auctor id accumsan purus malesuada. Sed gravida, erat ut commodo commodo, metus ante facilisis ante, a vulputate tortor…
Image format post
Donec dictum libero vel orci malesuada mattis. Suspendisse libero ante, varius ac laoreet vel, blandit eget lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;…
The Magnificent Magnifying Lens
Two years ago when I started doing early childhood workshops, I found it hard to find books to align with some of the activities I had developed. This prompted the…
Just Simple Science Goes International!
Everyone Loves Science! So this week I have the honor of working with 25 teachers from Panama! Yes-I said Panama! My fist international trip. What an experience. I missed my…
Eggs Amazing!
So how do you start the year off? Easy-just give kids some eggs and watch them get curious! Now I know what you are thinking, how can a simple egg…
Senses Garden
Besides being cheap when it comes to doing science,I also like to think of ideas that help connect the curriculum and kids to the real world! In Pre-K and K…
New Spin on an Old Idea
I love being cheap! Especially when it comes to teaching and teaching science! As I sit through various trainings, I love to take an idea and figure out how…
I Teach K Conference
Last week I had the honor of presenting at the I Teach K conference in Las Vegas-what an experience! I love getting K teachers excited about science. So I know…