I am sooooo excited to announce I have an updated website! I know, many of you probably didn’t even know I had a website!! If you did, that is great! Ten years ago when I started doing consulting with science education, hubby said I needed to have a website so people could find my business. As you can guess, life got busy and updating and managing my site has been a slow process. But, over the last few months I have felt a call to step out and begin to do more in the way of sharing ideas and products to help teachers and parents feel more confident with teaching science.
Drum roll please………the new and improved Just Simple Science has arrived!!
Over the next few months you are going to see some resources I hope you will share with your friends. Just today I launched what I am calling the Smidgen of Science Kit series (because sometimes you just need a small amount of science to hook a child into wanting to learn more). These kits will provide parents with between 1-3 simple science activities on various topics that can be done with one child. The kits will include materials! I hope you will check them out and share them with your family and friends.
If you check out my new website you will notice I now have the ability to sell items directly from my site! Several years ago I had many friends ask if they could purchase my lesson plans. In looking for a way to do this, I stumbled upon Teachers Pay Teachers. Frankly I hate charging for my work, but the small amount of money I make some months pays for date night with my man! While TPT has been good to me, in the end they take a slice of my sales. My new website will allow you to purchase items directly from me which means I can offer them to you at a cheaper rater than on Teacher Pay Teacher or other sites!!!! Don’t worry, I will also be uploading some more free items for you in the coming months!
Be on the lookout for more blog posts where I share ideas that I hope will make teaching science easier and fun for you and your kiddos! If you see anything on my site you wish to order, use this code until June 11th and get 10% off the purchase price: the code is NEWWEBSITE
I also want to give a huge shout out to Dawn Tuner of Dawn Turner Web Designs for making my vision a reality!! As a homeschool mom, she was able to give me ideas on how to design my page to maximize the time parents or teachers spent finding items on the site!!! She even created my new logo which I love as well! If you need a website or revision to your current site, please check her out!
Thanks friends for supporting my crazy love of all things science!!!!
Thank you so much for the huge shout out! I really appreciate it! I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you on this project and I’m excited to see how it grows your business. Thank you so much for the opportunity!
Thank you again for all the amazing work on my site!