The name of my consulting business, Just Simple Science, came about because of two reasons. First, my husband said my business name should include my initials JS. Of course the name had to include the word science, so JS2 was born! The second reason had to do with my desire to share my passion for good science, good curriculum, and good instructional design in the classroom. Who knew I would have the opportunity to help teachers become passionate about science!

Just the other day I had a teacher friend of mine say to me-“You know Jenny Sue, you think so differently when it comes to designing lessons. I would never have thought of designing my lesson in that way. You really need to bottle up those ideas and share them!”

This got me thinking. How could I share my ideas in a way that 1) would not cost teachers or parents an arm and a leg (we know some programs can be really expensive) and 2) would be easy to do?

Today I am proud to launch the Just Simple Science Youtube channel. This channel will offer free professional development to teachers and parents that will be quick (no longer than 20 minute segments) with easy lesson ideas. The videos will include small chunks of content and provide  lesson ideas that will be perfect for classroom or home use!

Please know the videos are created 100% by me! Forgive the terrible editing job sometimes and my cheesy facial expressions! BTW-you are getting the real me-no professional work here!

The first two video learning experiences are all about pumpkins! Even though Halloween has come and gone, you are going to want to go and grab you a couple of pumpkins in order to engage your students in some inquiry!

The two lessons would go well with the following science topics and concepts:

Topics: life cycles, inquiry, decomposers

Concepts: Change over Time

I hope you enjoy these videos and will think about becoming a subscriber to my channel! If I can get 500 subscribers, I can get my own channel id!! Thanks for reading and hopefully you will watch along and become a science nerd like me! Check out my channel here!

Published by Jenny Sue